In this digitally connected world, e-commerce is now an opportunity for businesses of all sorts including…
Aishwarya Agrawal

Aishwarya Agrawal
Ms. Aishwarya Agrawal is a graduate from Hidayatuallah National Law University, Raipur [HNLU Raipur]. Aishwarya holds a great interest in adding value to the legal fin-tech sector. She joined "StartupFino" with a motive to help budding lawyers in their day-to-day journey in the field of Law.
Accounting Outsourcing Services
Benefits of Outsourcing Accounting Services for Startups: A CA’s View
Of the several issues that companies today are facing, the major ones include managing accounts and…
A strong brand identity is needed for survival in the competitive marketplace for business. Trademarks help…
In an environment of continuously changing business operations, traditional approaches to financial management have been challenged…
For any growing service or business, a trademark could protect its brand name and distinguish its…
Businesses are always searching for ways to match the competition and prosper sustainably today. Although many…
The protection of Trademarks in India is given under the Trademarks Act, 1999 and Trademarks Rules,…
As the Indian economy continues to grow, SMEs are important to push the economy and employment…
“One penny is better than nothing” is an important idea if you are new in the…
Operating a business means following many laws and legal responsibilities. Neglecting these major legal points can…