For people and institutions engaged in primary production activities including farming, fishing or any other rural…
Trademark registration
How to Register a Trademark Without a Company in India?
by Ankit Palby Ankit PalIt is a common misconception among people that trademark registration requires an established business like a…
Design Registration
Validity of the Design Registration Certificate In India
by Ankit Palby Ankit PalHave you ever wondered what brings customers back to a particular product or innovation? While there…
Trademarks are one of the most effective methods to establish and safeguard a brand. But occasionally…
The difference between a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and a Financial controller might be somewhat complex…
Introducing Virtual CFO Services: Responsibilities and Importance in Business
by Ankit Palby Ankit PalA CFO today has become an indispensable part of a company for maintaining financial health and…
The Goods & Services tax in India i.e. GST altered the country’s tax structure completely. Created…
In business, trademark registration has become essential. They determine the source of services or goods and…