Saturday, September 21, 2024
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Trademark Class 9: Computers and Scientific Devices

by Swati Raghuwanshi
Trademark Class 9

If you are thinking about doing Trademark Registration of either products or services you must be aware about trademark classes. While doing trademark registration trademark classes are very important. You must be aware that there are hundreds or even more than that products as well as services in the market. The list is never ending. One such product is related to computer and scientific devices. There are a total forty five classes under the trademark law out of which trademark class 9 is one which deals with computers and scientific devices. Lets understand this class 9 of the trademarks in detail with the help of the current writeup. 

What do you Mean by Trademarks? 

If you see the businesses around you, you will come to know that these businesses have unique marks, symbols, signs or logos which are associated with them. They help people to recognize the particular businesses. These marks, symbols, signs or logos are called trademarks. In order to protect them trademark registration is necessary. Once you register these marks, symbols, signs or logos, no third party can use the same against your will. If anybody does the same they have to face consequences because this will amount to an offense under the Trademarks Act of 1999. There are many types of trademarks like word trademark, sign trademark, sound trademark, graphical trademark, 3D trademark etc. 

List of Goods and Services Under Trademark Class 9 

Some of the key things which are included in the goods and services list of trademark class 9 are discussed below: 

  • 3D glasses, abacuses, and accelerometers
  • Accumulators and electric hydrometers with acid
  • Battery acidimetry
  • Sound alarms and acoustic [sound] alarms
  • Channels for sound waves
  • Couplers for sound waves
  • Actinometers
  • Machines with electrical adapters added
  • Antennas and aerials
  • Air analysis equipment alarm bells, electronic alarms, and aerometers
  • Alidades altimeters, alcohol meters
  • Amplifiers and ammeters
  • Valves and tubes for amplification
  • Anemometers
  • Cartoons with animation
  • High tension batteries and anode batteries
  • Machines that respond to anodes
  • Anti-glare visors, anti-dazzle shades, and anti-glare spectacles
  • Anti-interference apparatus [Electricity]
  • Anti-theft warning devices
  • Anti-rhodes are comes under the category of trademark class 9 
  • Optics spectrometers
  • Electrical armatures
  • Gloves made of asbestos to prevent accidents
  • Clothes made of asbestos to fend off fires
  • Asbestos filters for firefighters’ gear, astronomy equipment, and audio and video receivers
  • Audiovisual instructional equipment
  • Automatic banking devices [ATM]
  • Instruments with an azimuth
  • Baby monitor bags that are laptop-compatible
  • Steelyards [lever scales] / steelyards [balances] / lever scales
  • Bar code readers for the balancing apparatus
  • Schematic equipment boiler control devices branch boxes (electricity)
  • Breathing equipment for swimming underwater, with the exception of artificial respiration
  • Ammunition-resistant waistcoats, or vests / bulletproof waistcoats / bulletproof vests (Am.)
  • Bulletproof apparel buzzers
  • Cabinets housing electric calculators, loudspeaker wires, and
  • Adjusting rings with calipers
  • Camcorders [photography] cameras
  • Tubes capillary
  • Photographs of carpenters’ guidelines for transporters of dark plates
  • Enclosures designed specifically for cameras and other photography equipment
  • Registers for cash
  • Cathodic anti-corrosion device reducers and cell switches that use electricity
  • Straps for cell phones
  • Centering device for transparency in photos
  • Equipment for replacing record player needles and electric battery chargers
  • Equipment for checking stamps on mail, franking, and chemistry equipment and instruments
  • Chips [Integrated circuits]
  • Coils that choke (impedance)
  • Equipment for chromatography in a laboratory
  • Chronographs, or devices for measuring time
  • Cinematographic lenses
  • Film used in cinematography, open circuit shutters
  • Circuit breakers
  • Circular slide guidelines
  • Cleaning equipment for sound recording discs and phonograph records
  • Close-up cameras are counted under the trademark class 9 
  • Apparel to guard against fire, radiation, and accidents
  • Clothes for fire safety / clothes for fire safety specifically designed for laboratories
  • Coaxial wires are part of trademark class 9 
  • Coils, electric collectors, and other electrical devices used in commutation
  • Small disks (audio-visual)
  • Tiny disks, or read-only memory
  • Players of compact discs
  • Layers’ tape cathodes
  • Electrical distribution boxes
  • Boards for distributing electricity
  • Consoles for distribution of electricity
  • Masks for divers
  • Swimming costumes
  • Chips made of DNA
  • Canine whistles
  • Doorbells with electricity
  • Dosimeters and dose dispensers
  • Mobile phone ring tones that can be downloaded
  • Music files that can be downloaded
  • Downloadable picture files
  • Drainers for photography equipment and photographic racks
  • Dressmakers’ measurements
  • Drying racks (picture) are part of trademark class 9 
  • Device for drying photographic prints using ducting and electricity
  • Recorders with DVD dynamometers
  • Earplugs designed for underwater use and equipment used for editing motion pictures
  • Hourglasses and Sandglasses for egg timers
  • Egg-carriers
  • Fluorescent screens, floppy disks, and spotlights for taking pictures
  • Fog signals and a food analysis device that doesn’t explode
  • Frames for transparency in photos
  • Frequency counters
  • Ovens and furnaces for use in laboratories; furnishings designed specifically for laboratories
  • Fuse wire and wires made of metal alloys
  • Fuses detectors made of galena crystals.
  • Electrical cells
  • Batteries that galvanize
  • Galvanometers
  • Instruments for testing gas
  • Gauges for gasoline or gasoline gauges
  • Gasometers [instruments for measuring]
  • Measures the glazing equipment for pictures
  • Devices for the Global Positioning System [GPS]
  • Gloves to prevent mishaps
  • Gloves for industrial use that protect against X-rays and are suitable for divers
  • Variometers, car radios, and warning triangles for vehicle breakdown
  • Video recorders with verniers
  • Video game cartridges, video tapes
  • Video phones, video monitors for babies, and video displays
  • Video recordings
  • Photographic viscometers and viewfinders
  • Automobile voltage regulators
  • Protection against voltage surges
  • Voltmeter voting apparatuses
  • Integrated circuit wafers
  • Talkies falls under the trademark class 9 
  • Cleaning trays [picture]
  • Wavemeters
  • Weighbridges, scales, and other weighing devices and equipment
  • Weights machines are also comes under the trademark class 9 
  • Whistle alerts
  • Wind socks to show the direction of the wind
  • Electrical connectors made of wire
  • Wires, face shields for electric workers’ protection
  • Wrist rests for computer use
  • Not for medical use: X-ray tubes
  • Device using X-rays but not for medical use
  • X-ray films, exposed X-ray photos, and equipment and installations for X-ray manufacturing that are not used for medical purposes


Trademark Class is one of the key requirements of completing the trademark registration in India. When you are doing the trademark registration you need to provide them with the details of the class of the trademark under which your products or services fall. Sometimes people choose the wrong class due to half knowledge or confusion. That is why we always suggest doing trademark registration with the help of a professional. Here in the present article we have discussed about the trademark class 9 which is about the computer and electronic devices.

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